About Myself

Navigating My Tech Journey

My journey in technology began with Java programming for Minecraft in 2014. Later, during high school, I developed a web-based grade management software. Transitioning to university, I pursued Business Informatics with a focus on Software Engineering, delving into Web Development. In 2020, I created FitnessHub, followed by developing the Skin Lesion Classifier (SLC) for my Bachelor's thesis in 2021.

For my Master's degree, I specialized in Software Engineering, further exploring Kubernetes and anomaly detection. Since 2024, I've held the role of Innovations Manager, where I'm fueled by my passion for exploring new technologies and pushing the boundaries of innovation.

Outside of work, I'm an avid enthusiast of ice hockey and fitness. Additionally, I've been actively involved in various sports clubs over the years, including soccer with DJK Feudenheim, judo with the 1st Mannheim Judo Club, tennis with DJK Feudenheim, and table tennis with DJK Wallstadt.


Innovations Manager at IT Lab

As of 2024, I hold the position of Innovations Manager at the IT Lab. In this role, I oversee the conceptualization, development, and implementation of cutting-edge technologies and solutions. My responsibilities include driving innovation initiatives and aligning innovation strategies with the organization's objectives. I continuously explore emerging trends and technologies to identify opportunities for transformative advancements within the IT Lab and across the broader industry landscape.


Full-Stack Developer at IT Lab

Following the completion of my Bachelor's degree, I advanced to the position of Full-Stack Developer within the IT Lab. During this tenure, I led the development of various insurtech applications. Additionally, I initiated and guided the creation of a robust information hub from its inception. In parallel, I orchestrated the establishment of the entire Kubernetes cluster infrastructure for the IT Lab, managing the deployment of essential services for the hub's operation.


Software Engineer at SV Informatik

My primary focus was on developing a series of web applications with various utility purposes. Additionally, I contributed to the automation efforts by writing batch scripts. Furthermore, I was involved in the development of Java desktop applications and Electron desktop apps, broadening my skill set and enhancing the organization's software portfolio.



Hochschule Mannheim. Master of Science (M. Sc.)

"Anomaly Detection for Enhancing System Monitoring of Kubernetes Clusters"

During my Master's program at Hochschule Mannheim, I conducted research and implemented an Anomaly Detection model aimed at optimizing the system monitoring of Kubernetes clusters. The thesis delved into the realms of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and Transformer architectures. Through an iterative process combining action research and laboratory experiments, I developed the DagoBERT architecture, which demonstrated robustness and promising characteristics. The results emphasized the significant potential of current IT trends in reducing costs and enhancing system stability across various industries.


DHBW Mannheim. Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)

"Development of a System for Automated Prevention of Claims in an Insurance Environment using Skin Lesion Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks"

During my Bachelor's program at DHBW Mannheim, I focused on utilizing machine learning and convolutional neural networks for preventive damage detection in insurance contexts. Although the envisioned application of skin lesion classification proved unsuitable for productive deployment due to high risk factors, the research provided valuable insights. It highlighted the potential of IT trends in reducing costs and mitigating risks for insurers and policyholders alike, while also identifying alternative applications for the technology.
