Hi, I'm Timo.

Designing for Delight,
Developing for Impact

Creating Experiences that Spark Joy, Solutions that Drive Progress


10+ Years as a Developer


Master of Science

Current Role

Innovations Manager

Voyage Through Time

Tracing My Career Journey


Setting Sail in the Programming World

In 2014, I set sail into the vast realm of programming, immersing myself in Java applications. Within the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, I ventured into crafting plugins and exploring the intricate art of game design and development. Amidst these adventures, I also navigated the waters of commerce, integrating a payment system into an external website linked to the Minecraft server. Entirely self-taught, fueled by boundless curiosity and a fervent drive for innovation, this marked the beginning of my journey into the world of technology.


High School Milestone

As I progressed to the upper grades, I had the opportunity to delve deeper into the world of computer science. It was during this time that I undertook a significant project, developing a web-based software for grade management using PHP and MySQL, laying the foundation for my future endeavors.


Embarking on a New Voyage

In 2018, I began my Bachelor's studies in Business Informatics at DHBW Mannheim, with a focus on Software Engineering. This marked the start of a thrilling chapter in my journey, filled with endless possibilities and opportunities for growth.


Venturing into Web Development

The year 2019 saw me exploring the realm of web development, immersing myself in technologies like Angular and NestJS. This new direction opened up a world of possibilities, paving the way for exciting projects and challenges ahead.


Crafting FitnessHub

In 2020, I took on the ambitious task of developing FitnessHub, a comprehensive fitness app that includes tools to help users with their training and nutrition, as well as building a vibrant community platform. From creating and tracking workouts to sharing recipes and nutrition plans, FitnessHub aimed to revolutionize the way people approached health and fitness.


Developing Skin Leasion Classifier

My Bachelor's journey culminated in 2021 with the completion of my thesis project, the Skin Lesion Classifier (SLC). Leveraging AI and TensorFlow, SLC was a web-based mobile application designed to detect skin cancer, showcasing the potential of technology to save lives.


Pioneering an Information Hub

Simultaneously, I embarked on the development of an Information Hub with a complete CMS, serving as a centralized platform for news, events, blogs, podcasts, and training courses. Utilizing Vue.js and MongoDB, this project aimed to streamline information distribution and knowledge sharing.


Mastering Software Engineering

Building upon my Bachelor's accomplishments, I began my Master's studies in Computer Science at Hochschule Mannheim, with a continued focus on Software Engineering. This marked the next phase of my journey, where I delved deeper into advanced concepts and cutting-edge technologies.


Architecting Kubernetes Environment

In 2022, I ventured into the realm of Kubernetes, constructing a robust environment and decomposing the Information Hub into individual microservices. This endeavor honed my skills in container orchestration and distributed systems, preparing me for the challenges ahead.


Mastering Anomaly Detection

The pinnacle of my Master's journey arrived in 2023 with the completion of my thesis on "Anomaly Detection for Kubernetes Cluster Monitoring." Introducing the groundbreaking DagoBERT model, this project revolutionized system monitoring by leveraging AI, text classification, and continuous feedback loops.


Charting New Waters as an Innovations Manager

In 2024, I transitioned into the professional realm as an Innovations Manager, navigating the volatile seas of technology with a relentless pursuit of innovation. Constantly seeking out new technologies, experimenting, and evaluating, I embarked on a new chapter of my journey, driven by a passion for pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

Discover more about my journey and expertise on the About page.

Timo Scheuermann

Innovations Manager
